All SilverLining Designs bags are individually handcrafted, using high quality off-cuts of fabrics and trims from the decorating field. SilverLining Designs bags are Limited Edition or One of a Kind. There is no mass production here. Each bag is made one at a time. All our bags are made with the utmost case and attention to detail inside and out to insure the best quality.
You are going to find all types of bags.... Daytime Handbags, Purses, Totes and Evening and for the fashion conscience mom, eye-catching diaper bags. Enjoy looking through the many handbags available and if you don't see what you are looking for, check back, as new designs and fabrics are always added.
You are going to find all types of bags.... Daytime Handbags, Purses, Totes and Evening and for the fashion conscience mom, eye-catching diaper bags. Enjoy looking through the many handbags available and if you don't see what you are looking for, check back, as new designs and fabrics are always added.